Garage Shelving Solutions for Efficient Organisation and Storage

Garage Shelving Range

Falcon Shelving has a wide range of garage shelving units and racking to suit garages, sheds, and workshops. Specifically, our range of garage shelving solutions includes: 1) longspan shelving, 2) workbenches and 3) tyre racking (see images below). Click here to shop the range now.


Shop heavy duty longspan shelving
Shop standard duty longspan shelving
Shop workbenches
Shop tyre racking




1.0 Longspan Shelving


Longspan shelving has the strength, durability and functionality of industrial shelving that you would see in warehouse storage solutions. However, it also looks great, which makes it ideal for garage shelving and storage. 

Our garage shelves are high quality, reliable and great for storing a wide range of items, including:

  • Plastic tubs, pots, buckets, cartons and archive boxes
  • Car roof-top luggage boxes
  • Sports equipment and fitness gear
  • Camping gear
  • Toys
  • Car repair and maintenance gear
  • Beach and surf gear
  • Power tools, hardware and spare parts
  • Garden tools and maintenance equipment
  • Miscellaneous heavy items of irregular size and shape.

Long span shelving is open on both sides. So you can see what’s there and get at the materials stored on the shelves (no doors to open).

1.1 Standard Duty Longspan


Our Standard Duty range of white garage shelving is powder coated in a neutral off-white colour. Hence it will fit into most situations. There are two shelving unit sizes: 



  • 1.5mWx0.5mDx2.0mH, 120Kg/ level
  • 2.0mWx0.6mDx2.0mH, 200Kg/ level


These white shelving units are designed for light to medium duty storage. So they are popular for storing cartons, tubs and miscellaneous items.



1.2 Heavy Duty Longspan

Our Heavy Duty long span range is orange, blue and white in colour. Each shelving unit is built from high quality steel for heavy duty use.

The units come in a full range of sizes, as shown in the table below. So the heavy duty shelving racks can be mix-n-matched in different configurations to fit any sized space and maximise your storage.


Width 2.0m High 2.4m High  2.7m High


It has a weight capacity or load rating of 300Kg/ level (evenly distributed). So it can handle just about anything you would store in a garage, apart from the heaviest engine components.

In addition, we have two lower weight-rated units in the heavy duty range (see details below): 

  • 1.0mWx0.5mDx2.0mH, 150Kg/L
  • 1.5mWx0.5mDx2.0mH, 150Kg/L

    They complement the 300Kg load rating units and are used for lighter storage situations. Importantly, they are tri-coloured, so you can match them with the 300Kg/L units.

    How deep should garage shelves be? 50cm is fine for smaller items. However, 60cm is more flexible and better for bulky items. 


    2.0 Garage Workbenches

    Our workbenches are all steel and part of our 300Kg/L, Heavy Duty shelving system. So you can use them as stand alone units or connect them together with another heavy duty workbench or with other longspan shelving units in the range. 

    The workbench has a lower shelf for storage. So tools will always be accessible for your garage projects and the workspace will be clutter-free.

    In terms of size, our workbenches are 0.95m high, 600mm deep and come in widths of 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m and 2.5m. So they can accommodate any size DIY projects and fit into any space in your garage workshop. 

    Finally, you can replace the steel worksurface on our heavy duty workbenches with your own timber or plywood inserts (there aren't any drawers to get in the way). 

    3.0 Tyre Racking

    Our tyre racks are also part of our 300Kg/L, Heavy Duty, garage shelving system and they come in all the same sizes. So they are durable and great for storing a set of spare or seasonal tyres on their rims.



    Benefits of Our Range of Garage Shelving

    We have a broad range of metal shelving to maximise space utilisation and help you get your garage, shed or workshop tidy and clutter free. Our garage racking system comes in different sizes, load ratings and colours. So you can match the look and needs of your storage area. Also you can customise the quantity of shelves or tiers for efficient space utilisation.


    Strong and Durable So Your Investment Will Last

    All the garage storage racks are built like commercial shelving from high quality materials that are strong and durable. Importantly, the powder coating is rust resistant. So your garage racking will continue to look clean and professional for many years.


    Easy Installation

    Our long span shelving units are designed for strength and ease of assembly. So the uprights come as one complete, pre-welded piece for extra rigidity and strength. In addition, the shelves or decks are braced underneath for extra strength.

    Assembly is easy, there's no struggling to discover the right tools. First, slot the cross beams into the “butterfly-shaped” grooves on the outside of the uprights. Then slide the shelving decks onto the grooved ledge on the inside of the beams. Finally, you can easily adjust the shelving up and down to optimise your setup, if needed.

    Importantly, the units are also easy to disassemble and can be flat packed for transport, when moving home.


    Easy to Configure

    There are two ways to customise our adjustable shelving. First, you can specify the number of shelves per bay. Second, you can adjust your shelf heights up and down to accommodate the various sized items you want to store.

    Importantly, the gaps between the shelves don't all have to be the same. So you can have large storage spaces for heavy, bulky items at the bottom and lesser gaps above for small items.

    Buy Extra Components as Needed

    We sell extra shelf kits and individual component parts. So you can buy extra units and components as you need them. Accordingly, you can think of our shelving like a construction set and build whatever you need. Whether its a single unit with two shelves or 5+ shelves in a long row - it’s easy to maximise the utilisation of your valuable floor space.

    Units can be fastened to the Floor

    Our garage shelves are generally sturdy on a flat, level surface. However, for increased safety, they come with footplates that have predrilled holes in them. So each shelving unit can be fastened to the floor. Specifically, this is useful if the floor is uneven, or if the shelves are in high traffic areas or you are storing heavy items high off the ground.



    Falcon Shelving offers a three year replacement warranty for manufacturing or material defects. However, we don’t usually hear from our customers unless they want to buy extra shelves or extra shelving units.


    Pickup and Delivery

    Orders are usually ready in 1-2 days. We can deliver or you can collect your order from our warehouse site locations: 

    • Garage Shelving Sydney - Lidcombe 2141
    • Garage Shelving Melbourne - Dandenong South 3175

    We can deliver to almost anywhere in Australia. There are fixed rate deliveries in the Sydney and Melbourne metro areas.

    Contact us for regional and interstate deliveries, as the cost varies depending on what your package includes and where it's going. We will get a range of quotes for your specific requirements from our network of freight companies to avoid the highest price delivery options.

    Orders usually come as wrapped bundles of "like components" weighing 25Kg or less e.g. a bundle of orange beams. So they are manageable by one person. Additionally, we sometimes need to break open the original packaging to fulfill a specific order. 


    Additional Information




    Firstly, always begin with a Starter Bay (2 blue uprights). Then you can attach one or more Addon units (one blue upright) to form a connected row of shelving to fit your garage space.

    All our garage shelving units come with 4 levels or tiers of shelving as standard. However, you can have from 2 to 5+ levels of shelving if needed. You can buy kits for extra levels of shelving, if you need 5 tiers of racking. Alternatively, build your unit from component parts, if you need 2 or 3 levels of shelving.

    Shop Our Most Popular Garage Shelving Products

    Below are our most popular and reliable shelving units for garage and shed storage at affordable prices. If you don’t see your storage needs below, then click here to search our full range. Alternatively, contact us today for more information or a quote on your garage shelving cost.

    Garage Shelving (1)

    Standard Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.5mDx2.0mH Starter 120Kg/L
