Heavy Duty Shelving Range

Our heavy duty, longspan shelving units are made from quality materials and look great. So they are equally at home as a storage solution in a: garage, shed, workshop, warehouse, stockroom, retail shop bulk storage space, office storeroom, shipping container or an industrial storage area. 


Heavy Duty Shelving


Click here to shop the range now.

Long-term Storage When You Don't Need Pallet Racking

Longspan shelving, as the name suggests, is industrial shelving that spans a long distance (up to 2.5 metres).

While it shares a basic structure with competing systems like pallet racking, the longspan shelving system differs in 2 key ways that give it superior features in certain situations:

  1. Pallet racking handles rugged, heavy-duty storage for palletized goods, while longspan shelving supports lighter, non-palletized items e.g. holding boxes.
  2. Pallet racking withstands mechanical handling (e.g., forklifts), while longspan shelving relies on loading by hand. So it is great for manually storing small to medium sized items.

Store Small to Medium Weight Items that are Hand Loaded

The open nature of heavy duty, longspan shelving and its adjustability makes it one of the most efficient storage systems. For example it's great for storing:


  • Cartons
  • Plastic tubs
  • Component parts for manufacturing
  • Automotive and other spare parts
  • Tools and toolboxes
  • Electrical and plumbing equipment
  • Sporting equipment
  • Hardware
  • Bulky items, inventory items and archive storage


In particular, it's good for items that are: small to medium in size and weight, bulky, fragile or irregular in shape (long and broad). Also it's easy to access the stored items from both sides.

Full Range of Sizes for Any Situation

Our longspan shelving storage system comes in a full range of weight capacities, colours and sizes (bay width and height), as shown in the table below.



 Weight Rating Colours Widths Depths Heights Suitability

480Kg per Bay (120Kg/ level)

White 1.5m 0.5m 2m Cost effective for storage of light items

600Kg per Bay (150Kg/ level)

Blue/ Orange/ White 1.0m, 1.5m 0.5m 2m Light to medium storage

800Kg per Bay (200Kg/ level)

White 2.0m 0.6m 2m Medium to heavy duty storage

1200Kg per Bay (300Kg/level)

Blue/ Orange/ White 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0 & 2.5m 0.6m 0.95m#, 2m, 2.4m & 2.7m Storage of heavy duty items


Having so many sizes means you can tightly fit your shelving into squeezy spots and maximise floorspace utilisation.

Modular Design

The heavy duty, longspan shelving units are modular. So you can buy one unit on its own for a garage or buy a series of longspan bays as retail shelving. Given it's industrial heritage, you can even scale up the storage capacity of a warehouse to maximise floor space utilisation.

All the units within a particular weight capacity are connectable. So you can join a series of stand alone shelving units and add on bays into a continuous row of shelving. Similarly, you can connect the heavy duty workbenches in our 1200Kg load capacity range to a normal, long span shelving unit in various configurations. 

Please note, actual beam lengths will be slightly less than the corresponding bay width to allow for this connectivity.

Strong and Durable

The metal shelving units are built from welded steel and powder coated for durability. In contrast to other commonly supplied shelves that are made from MDF or particle board, the decks are steel with a powder coating. In addition, they are reinforced underneath for extra strength. 

The upright frames are not bolted. Rather they are welded as one solid piece for maximum load bearing. So they won't buckle. Also the decks are reinforced underneath to carry greater loads.

Easy Installation

Our “boltless” shelving is designed to be DIY assembled without tools, screws, nuts or bolts. Simply slide the orange beams into the grooves on the outside of the blue uprights and slot the white decks onto the inside ledge of the beams.


Easy to Reconfigure and Move

Being easy to assemble means our heavy duty shelving units are also easy to disassemble and reconfigure as required. So it's an easy adjustment to add shelving and change shelf heights as your needs change. Also, it's easy to dismantle, transport and reconfigure, if you need to move.

Adjustable Shelves

Shelf heights are adjustable. You can have a large gap for bulky, heavier items at the bottom of your heavy duty metal shelving units and then a smaller space to the shelf level above to store light items.

Buy Extra Components as Needed

Our heavy duty, long span shelving is modular. So you can buy extra shelves or whatever you need as you go.

Units Can be Fastened to the Floor

Our shelving products are sturdy, when free standing. However they can also be fastened to the floor via the pre-drilled holes in the base plates for extra stability, safety and security.


There is a three year replacement warranty for manufacturing or material defects (excluding fair wear and tear). However, we don't usually hear back from our clients, unless they are looking to buy more units or components.

Shop Our Range

All of our long span shelving units come with 4 levels or tiers of shelving as standard. However, you can have 2,3 or 5+ shelves.

Always begin with a Starter Bay (2 blue uprights). Then join one or more Addon Bays (one blue upright) to form a connected row of shelving.

Heavy Duty Shelving Range (8)

Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.5mDx2.0mH Addon 150Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.5mDx2.0mH Starter 150Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.0mH Addon 300Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.0mH Starter 300Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.4mH Addon 300Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.4mH Starter 300Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.7mH Addon 300Kg/L


Heavy Duty Shelving 1.5mWx0.6mDx2.7mH Starter 300Kg/L
