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Have purchased a few of these and they are great shelving units. Easy to assemble and sturdy.
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Fabulous products to get exact shelves for your needs
In summary, this blog examines the key things to look for when buying longspan shelving.
A quick search will reveal that there are many different steel shelving options out there and seemingly similar units will vary quite a bit in price. So how do you choose between them. What should you consider in addition to price when weighing up different longspan shelving options?
Here are key 8 things to look for when buying longspan shelving and comparing the different shelving options available.
One of the key differences is how much weight the longspan unit is rated to carry. This is usually expressed as the maximum number of kilograms that a pair of beams or shelf level can carry as a Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) e.g. 300Kg per pair of beams UDL. In addition, each unit will also have a total maximum carrying capacity.
The load capacity of a longspan unit will depend on the quality and weight of steel used in its construction, as well as the bracing that is used in the uprights, beams and decks.
Longspan decks or shelves are typically made of steel, timber or steel mesh.
It's important that longspan units are stable, especially if the floor is uneven or heavy loads are anticipated on the uppermost shelves of the unit. Here are some of the features to look for:
Are the units easy to assemble, adjust and expand? Are they easy to dismantle, move an, re-install, if you need to move?
Is it possible to connect the units together into pairs or longer rows of shelving? This is important, as connecting a starter bay with one or more addon bays can improve the available storage space and reduce the investment required (one upright is saved each time an addon connection is made).
The ability to buy individual components on their own can is important if you have a special requirement, such as those outlined below:
Bottom line - do the units look good? Do they look solid and professional? Will the finish last and continue to look good for years down the track?
Does the supplier offer a replacement warranty for manufacturing or material defects in any of its products?
Although the many available longspan options may look similar, they will vary on a number of important features. This blog outlines the 8 things to look for when buying longspan shelving, so you can make an informed decision.
If you have any questions or would like further information, then you can contact us here. Also you can see the Falcon Shelving range of shelving units here.